SEGURA uses a variety of tools to improve the trade and investment ecosystem in developing countries.

At the policy level, we analyze and revise laws and regulations and stimulate public-private dialogue to help make countries and regions more attractive to domestic and international businesses and investors. At the enterprise level, we build the technical and financial capacity of local business development services (BDS) providers to serve as sustainable sources of in-country technical assistance for businesses seeking buyers or investors.

In addition, with many of our consultants and associates having been involved in international business themselves, we provide transaction advisory services to build investment pipelines and bring deals to financial close.

Europe & Eurasia | Regional Economic Growth (REG)

Global | Trade and Competitiveness Activity

Egypt | Strengthening Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development

Sub-Saharan Africa | Knowledge Sharing
& Analysis

Private Capital Group for Africa

Latin America & the Caribbean | CAFTA-DR Evaluations

Middle East & North Africa | Regional Business Initiative

West Bank & Gaza | Investment Climate Improvement

Europe & Eurasia | Regional Competitiveness Initiative (RCI)

Europe & Eurasia |

Balkans Infrastructure Development Facility (BIDfacility)

Azerbaijan |

Evaluation of the Trade & Investment Reforms Support Protection Project

Honduras |

Transforming Market Systems Tourism Action Plan

Sub-Saharan Africa |

Enterprise Development Network