Tetra Tech and SEGURA support USAID in its efforts to strengthen the capacity of conflict-affected communities to be reliable and effective partners with state and private sector actors in the implementation of comprehensive rural social and economic development activities, including the promotion of illegal crops substitution and alternative development. CDLO is also known locally as Territorios de Oportunidad.  

SEGURA provides the professional services of five full-time civil engineers as "Social Infrastructure Specialists" in Cauca and Nariño, Caquetá and Putumayo, Norte de Antioquia and Sur de Córdoba, Meta and Guaviare, and Catatumbo. SEGURA personnel are providing technical support in the structuring, execution and monitoring of Objective 2 activities, which focus on improved provision of public goods and social services in these regions. Activities include organizational strengthening, and promoting spaces for sustained dialogue between communities, public institutional actors, and the private sector.

Tetra Tech | USAID/Colombia


Technical Areas:
Infrastructure & Environment;
Governance & Institutional Reform

Latin America and the Caribbean
