The USAID G3 Program was tasked with strengthening public sector transparency, accountability and institutional efficiency in service delivery to citizens, as well as improving communication channels between government institutions, other stakeholders, civil society and Georgian citizens. SEGURA supported G3 prime implementer Management Systems International (MSI) by providing technical assistance related to budgeting, human resource development, policy and regulation development, strategic planning, census taking, and institutional strengthening. More specifically, SEGURA provided experts in performance audits, human resources, program budgeting, civil service, freedom of information, and public finance as described below:

  • Performance Auditing: SEGURA provided technical assistance to the Chamber of Control of Georgia (CCG) to improve its auditing capacity. This was achieved through training of staff (with an emphasis on sustainable transfer of knowledge through a Train-the-Trainer methodology) and institutionalization of audit and reporting requirements.

  • Governmental Human Resources Management and Curriculum Development: SEGURA worked with CCG, the Ministry of Justice (MoJ), Civil Service Bureau (CSB), and the Government of the Autonomous Republic of Ajara (GoARA) to integrate Human and Institutional Capacity Development (HICD) approaches into institutional HR frameworks.

  • Program Budgeting: SEGURA helped provide technical assistance to enable the GoARA to improve, standardize and institutionalize its program budgeting capacity.

  • Civil Service Reform: SEGURA helped G3 to enact civil service reform by identifying international best practices, researching current and past attempts to reform civil service in Georgia, exploring current policy directions and priorities, and ultimately documenting a new vision for comprehensive civil service reforms.

  • Freedom of Information Act: SEGURA worked closely with the G3 team and local partners to implement a FOIA Public Awareness project and improve processes related to effective implementation of the Freedom of Information Act in Georgia.

Public Finance Results-Based Management: SEGURA worked with the Ministry of Finance in Georgia (MoF) to reform public finance by helping the agency to implement a Management for Results (MFR) framework.

Management Systems International | USAID/Georgia


Technical Areas:
Governance & Institutional Reform

Europe & Eurasia
